Choose your event / अपना कार्यक्रम चुनें *
Accommodation type / आवास का प्रकार *
Name / नाम *
Email ID / ईमेल आईडी *
Address / पता
City / शहर *
State / राज्य *
Phone number / फोन नंबर *
Gender / लिंग *
Male / पुरुष
Female / महिला
Other / अन्य
Date of birth *
GSTN (if available)
How did you get to know about the event / आपको इस कार्यक्रम के बारे में कैसे पता चला?
YouTube / यूट्यूब
WhatsApp / व्हाट्सएप
Facebook / फेसबुक
Instagram / इंस्टाग्राम
Referred by a friend or relative / किसी मित्र या रिश्तेदार द्वारा पता चला
Google search engine / गूगल सर्च इंजन
Television / टेलीविजन
Other / अन्य
Please specify / कृपया निर्दिष्ट करें *
Do you suffer from any major health issue? / क्या आपको कोई गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है? *
Yes / हां
No / नहीं
Health Issues / स्वास्थ्य समस्या *
Emergency Contact / एमरजेंसी संपर्क नंबर *
Declaration (scroll to read more)
I, abovenamed having details as mentioned above, do declare as under: 1. I hereby declare my voluntary consent to participating in this programme conducted by MaitriBodh Parivaar Private Limited and or MaitriBodh Parivaar Charitable Trust as applicable (jointly referred to as MBP). 2. I hereby declare my voluntary consent to receiving the sacred Maitri ShaktiPravaah, Maitri Light and other energy transfer processes whenever it is part of this programme as organized by MBP. 3. I hereby declare that I am aware that the sacred Maitri Shakti Pravaah process cannot be received by children below sixteen years of age or pregnant women. I declare that I will comply with these terms whenever applicable. 4. I hereby declare that presently I am physically keeping good health and am emotionally capable of participating in this programme. 5. I hereby declare that I am aware that this programme is no substitute for any therapeutic, medical or psychological treatment. I am at all times completely responsible for my own physical and mental health. 6. I hereby give my consent to use and publish on the MBP website and associated platforms, photos and videos, including testimonials of sessions that I have participated in. 7. I hereby hold harmless, indemnify, release and forever discharge MBP, its assigns and transferees from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I have or may have due to my participation in this programme. 8. I declare that my particulars as given above are true and correct.
I agree to the above declarations
I do not agree to the above declarations
Payment choice
Make full (balance) payment
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